(Pictured here: The Suck)
Now that things are less sucky, I think it's time to try this out. Full disclaimer though, this blog will be primarily about things I think are interesting/nifty/what I'm feeling at the time. Generally this will mean food, good TV (not Seinfeld), rabbits (because I have one and they're the best and go get one right now, after reading this anyway), and politics (it's what I do for dollarz). I also write, so there will be some stuff about that too, less the actual contents of my writing and more about the process in general. As time goes by, if many people read this (unlikely), I may write about things readers ask about or stuff like that. Each post will begin with a picture of an animal befitting the post, and end with a song (not by me, your welcome). So, before I go any farther, a bit about me.
I'm from Central Illinois, which to most people not from this state should just be thought of as 'South of Chicago but not Kentucky'. It's an okay place to come from, and a great place to come from if your interest include latent racism, country music, a roughly equivalent number of bars and churches, and cornfields. No really, it's not that bad, but it's not that great either. It is the most perfectly mediocre place to live in these United States. I went to school for Political Science (which does not actually need to be capitalized) because a lot of people's lives are way worse than mine and I'd like to do something about that. That's the short version, anyway. I'm a Democrat, a pretty moderate one, but still very much a Democrat, so if you're super conservative that could become a problem for us down the road. You are warned. This post, however, will be apolitical, primarily because it won't even remotely have to do with things like this. Other than that I write because I like to, I cook because I love to (and have been told I'm good at it), and own a pet rabbit because it's fucking awesome. The rest will come up along the way.
This post, you may have noticed, is called The Post-Suck (so is the blog writ large). It's an odd name, and it may attract some much odder traffic to my bouncing baby blog, but oh well, that's where my life is right now. Post-Suck. About two weeks ago I was still up to my eyeballs in The Suck, and if you've graduated college and spent some time unemployed you already know what I mean. It's this:
The good news is 'It Gets Better' like those anti-bullying videos, but for unemployed people (something they should absolutely make)
Now having a job to look forward to I'm transitioning into this Post-Suck phase, and it's quite a shift to make. For example it's no longer okay to: stay up til six in the morning watching Oz, wake up at 2PM and decide that the sheets and pillows still really need my company, or literally go an entire day not having stepped outside (in spring no less). But it's not a bad thing, I get up earlier, feel less like I have no function in the world, and actually taste the things that go in my mouth. It's also exceedingly expensive. Find a new apartment. Find new furniture. Get new rabbit shit. Pay down payments. Move all aforementioned shit across state. Etc, etc, etc.
Still, The Post-Suck is clearly superior to its predecessor. I have things to look forward to, a career that's just starting, and new people to meet (a sensation I'd all but forgotten during The Suck). I'll also have a pretty disgusting amount of free time to myself once I move to my new home. Sure I know plenty of people in town, but I still live alone (thank-fucking-god), and won't be out all the time. This means reinvesting in neglected hobbies and what not, which is pretty exciting for me.
Things are pretty good now, if this posts cynicism suggest otherwise it's primarily because I'm still transitioning and because, well, that's a big chunk of my sense of humor.
In the upcoming days posts will probably revolve around one of the major categories I mentioned earlier, though there could be more general life posts as well, given that I'm in a very eventful time right now. I hope the post was a good read for you, I certainly had fun writing it, and I would like to leave you with this song. I picked it because I'm quite fond of it and because for this move I am actually going West (though not nearly so far as original writer Tom Waits had meant, I imagine)
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